Source code for nncore.engine.hooks.optimizer

# Copyright (c) Ye Liu. Licensed under the MIT License.

from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.cuda.amp.grad_scaler import GradScaler
from torch._utils import (_flatten_dense_tensors, _take_tensors,
from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad

from ..builder import HOOKS
from ..comm import is_distributed
from .base import Hook

[docs] @HOOKS.register() class OptimizerHook(Hook): """ Perform back propagation and update parameters of the model periodically. This hook supports CPU, single GPU and distributed training. Args: interval (int, optional): The interval of iterations to update parameters. Default: ``1``. coalesce (bool, optional): Whether to coalesce the weights in distributed training. Default: ``True``. bucket_size_mb (int, optional): Size of the bucket. ``-1`` means not restricting the bucket size. Default: ``-1``. grad_scale (dict | bool | None, optional): Whether to scale the gradients. If not specified, this module will automatically scale the gradients when amp is activated. Default: ``None``. """ def __init__(self, interval=1, coalesce=True, bucket_size_mb=-1, grad_scale=None): super(OptimizerHook, self).__init__() self._interval = interval self._coalesce = coalesce self._bucket_size_mb = bucket_size_mb if isinstance(grad_scale, dict): grad_scale.setdefault('enabled', True) self._grad_scale_cfg = grad_scale else: self._grad_scale_cfg = dict(enabled=grad_scale) def _allreduce_coalesced(self, tensors, world_size): if self._bucket_size_mb > 0: bucket_size_bytes = self._bucket_size_mb * 1024 * 1024 buckets = _take_tensors(tensors, bucket_size_bytes) else: buckets = OrderedDict() for tensor in tensors: tp = tensor.type() if tp not in buckets: buckets[tp] = [] buckets[tp].append(tensor) buckets = buckets.values() for bucket in buckets: flat_tensors = _flatten_dense_tensors(bucket) dist.all_reduce(flat_tensors) flat_tensors.div_(world_size) for tensor, synced in zip( bucket, _unflatten_dense_tensors(flat_tensors, bucket)): tensor.copy_(synced) def _allreduce_grads(self, params): grads = [ for param in params if param.requires_grad and param.grad is not None ] world_size = dist.get_world_size() if self._coalesce: self._allreduce_coalesced(grads, world_size) else: for tensor in grads: dist.all_reduce(tensor.div_(world_size)) def before_launch(self, engine): cfg = self._grad_scale_cfg.copy() enabled = cfg.pop('enabled') self.scaler = GradScaler( enabled=(engine.get_amp_type() is not None and torch.cuda.is_available()) if enabled is None else enabled, **cfg) def before_train_epoch(self, engine): self._last_updated_iter = 0 engine.optimizer.zero_grad() def after_train_iter(self, engine): key = engine.cur_stage.get('loss', 'loss') self.scaler.scale(engine.losses[key]).backward() if (not self.every_n_iters_in_epoch(engine, self._interval) and not self.last_iter_in_epoch(engine)): return step_size = engine.iter_in_epoch - self._last_updated_iter + 1 for param in engine.model.parameters(): if param.requires_grad and param.grad is not None: self._last_updated_iter = engine.iter_in_epoch + 1 if is_distributed(): self._allreduce_grads(engine.model.parameters()) cfg = engine.cur_stage.get('grad_clip') if cfg is not None: self.scaler.unscale_(engine.optimizer) params_with_grad = [ p for p in engine.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad and p.grad is not None ] if len(params_with_grad) > 0: clip_grad.clip_grad_norm_(params_with_grad, **cfg) if engine.debug: for name, param in engine.model.named_parameters(): if param.grad is None: continue if param.grad.is_sparse: if param.grad.dtype in (torch.float16, torch.bfloat16): param.grad = param.grad.coalesce() grad = param.grad._values().abs().max() else: grad = param.grad.abs().max() state = 'Inf' if torch.isinf(grad) else 'NaN' if torch.isnan( grad) else None if state is not None: engine.logger.warn('Iter [{}]: {} detected in {}'.format( engine.iter + 1, state, name)) if self.scaler.is_enabled(): engine.buffer.update('scale', self.scaler.get_scale()) self.scaler.step(engine.optimizer) self.scaler.update() engine.optimizer.zero_grad() def after_train_epoch(self, engine): engine.optimizer.zero_grad()