Source code for nncore.engine.utils

# Copyright (c) Ye Liu. Licensed under the MIT License.

import os
import random
from datetime import datetime
from importlib import import_module
from pkgutil import walk_packages

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision
from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url

import nncore
from nncore.nn import move_to_device
from .comm import broadcast, is_main_process, sync

DATASETS = nncore.Registry('dataset')

def _load_url_dist(url, **kwargs):
    if is_main_process():
        load_state_dict_from_url(url, **kwargs)

    state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url(url, **kwargs)

    return state_dict

def _match_keys(keys, cand):
    keys = [k.split('.') for k in keys]
    cand = cand.split('.')

    for key in keys:
        if cand[:len(key)] == key:
            return True

    return False

def _load_state_dict(module, state_dict, strict=False, logger=None):
    unexpected_keys = []
    missing_keys = []
    err_msg = []

    metadata = getattr(state_dict, '_metadata', None)
    state_dict = state_dict.copy()
    if metadata is not None:
        state_dict._metadata = metadata

    def _load(module, prefix=''):
        local_metadata = dict() if metadata is None else metadata.get(
            prefix[:-1], {})
        module._load_from_state_dict(state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, True,
                                     missing_keys, unexpected_keys, err_msg)
        for name, child in module._modules.items():
            if child is not None:
                _load(child, prefix + name + '.')

    _load = None

    if len(unexpected_keys) > 0:
        err_msg.append('Unexpected keys in source state dict: {}\n'.format(
            ', '.join(unexpected_keys)))
    if len(missing_keys) > 0:
        err_msg.append('Missing keys in source state dict: {}\n'.format(
            ', '.join(missing_keys)))

    if is_main_process() and len(err_msg) > 0:
            0, 'The model and loaded state dict do not match exactly\n')
        err_msg = '\n'.join(err_msg)
        if strict:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'error in loading state dict for {}:\n\t{}'.format(
                    module.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(err_msg)))
        nncore.log_or_print(err_msg, logger, log_level='WARNING')

[docs] def generate_random_seed(sync=True, src=0, group=None): """ Generate a random seed. Args: sync (bool, optional): Whether to synchronize the random seed among the processes in the group in distributed settings. Default: ``True``. src (int, optional): The source rank of the process in distributed settings. This argument is valid only when ``sync==True``. Default: ``0``. group (:obj:`dist.ProcessGroup` | None, optional): The process group to use in distributed settings. This argument is valid only when ``sync==True``. If not specified, the default process group will be used. Default: ``None``. Returns: int: The generated random seed. """ seed = 0 while len(str(seed)) != 8: seed = os.getpid() + int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), 'big') + int('%f')) if sync: seed = broadcast(data=seed, src=src, group=group) return seed
[docs] def set_random_seed(seed=None, benchmark=False, deterministic=False, **kwargs): """ Set random seed for ``random``, ``numpy``, and ``torch`` packages. If ``seed`` is not specified, this method will generate and return a new random seed. Args: seed (int | None, optional): The random seed to use. If not specified, a new random seed will be generated. Default: ``None``. benchmark (bool, optional): Whether to enable benchmark mode. Default: ``False``. deterministic (bool, optional): Whether to enable deterministic mode. Default: ``False``. Returns: int: The actually used random seed. """ if seed is None: seed = generate_random_seed(**kwargs) random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = benchmark torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = deterministic return seed
[docs] def get_checkpoint(file_or_url, map_location=None, **kwargs): """ Get checkpoint from a file or an URL. Args: file_or_url (str): The filename or URL of the checkpoint. map_location (str | None, optional): Same as the :obj:`torch.load` interface. Default: ``None``. Returns: :obj:`OrderedDict` | dict: The loaded checkpoint. """ if file_or_url.startswith('torchvision://'): model_urls = dict() for _, name, ispkg in walk_packages(torchvision.models.__path__): if ispkg: continue mod = import_module('torchvision.models.{}'.format(name)) if hasattr(mod, 'model_urls'): urls = getattr(mod, 'model_urls') model_urls.update(urls) checkpoint = _load_url_dist(model_urls[file_or_url[14:]], **kwargs) elif file_or_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): checkpoint = _load_url_dist(file_or_url, **kwargs) else: checkpoint = torch.load(file_or_url, map_location=map_location) return checkpoint
[docs] def load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint, map_location=None, strict=False, keys=None, logger=None, **kwargs): """ Load checkpoint from a file or an URL. Args: model (:obj:`nn.Module`): The module to load checkpoint. checkpoint (dict | str): A dict, a filename, an URL or a ``torchvision://<model_name>`` str indicating the checkpoint. map_location (str | None, optional): Same as the :obj:`torch.load` interface. Default: ``None``. strict (bool, optional): Whether to allow different params for the model and checkpoint. If ``True``, raise an error when the params do not match exactly. Default: ``False``. keys (list[str] | None, optional): The list of parameter keys to load. Default: ``None``. logger (:obj:`logging.Logger` | str | None, optional): The logger or name of the logger for displaying error messages. Default: ``None``. Returns: :obj:`OrderedDict` | dict: The loaded checkpoint. """ if isinstance(checkpoint, str): checkpoint = get_checkpoint( checkpoint, map_location=map_location, **kwargs) if isinstance(checkpoint, dict): state_dict = checkpoint.get('state_dict', checkpoint) else: raise RuntimeError('no state dict found in the checkpoint file') if list(state_dict.keys())[0].startswith('module.'): state_dict = {k[7:]: v for k, v in state_dict.items()} if keys is not None: state_dict = { k: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if _match_keys(keys, k) } _load_state_dict( getattr(model, 'module', model), state_dict, strict=strict, logger=logger) return checkpoint
[docs] def save_checkpoint(model, filename, optimizer=None, meta=None): """ Save checkpoint to a file. The checkpoint object will have 3 fields: ``meta``, ``state_dict`` and ``optimizer``, where ``meta`` contains the version of nncore and the time info by default. Args: model (:obj:`nn.Module`): The model whose params are to be saved. filename (str): Path to the checkpoint file. optimizer (:obj:`optim.Optimizer` | None, optional): The optimizer to be saved. Default: ``None``. meta (dict | None, optional): The metadata to be saved. Default: ``None``. Returns: dict: The saved checkpoint. """ if meta is None: meta = dict() meta.update( nncore_version=nncore.__version__, create_time=nncore.get_time_str()) state_dict = getattr(model, 'module', model).state_dict() checkpoint = dict(meta=meta, state_dict=state_dict) if optimizer is not None: checkpoint['optimizer'] = optimizer.state_dict() checkpoint = move_to_device(checkpoint, 'cpu') nncore.mkdir(nncore.dir_name(filename)), filename) return checkpoint