Source code for nncore.image.geometric

# Copyright (c) Ye Liu. Licensed under the MIT License.

import cv2

    'nearest': cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
    'bilinear': cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
    'bicubic': cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
    'area': cv2.INTER_AREA,
    'lanczos': cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4

[docs] def imresize(img, size, interpolation='bilinear', return_scale=False): """ Resize an image to a given size. Args: img (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The input image. size (tuple[int]): The target size in the form of ``(width, height)``. interpolation (str | int, optional): Interpolation method. Currently supported methods include ``nearest``, ``bilinear``, ``bicubic``, ``area``, and ``lanczos``. Default: ``bilinear``. return_scale (bool, optional): Whether to return ``w_scale`` and ``h_scale``. Default: ``False``. Returns: :obj:`np.ndarray` | tuple: The resized image (and scales). """ out_img = cv2.resize(img, size, interpolation=_INTERP_CODES[interpolation]) if return_scale: h, w = img.shape[:2] w_scale = size[0] / w h_scale = size[1] / h return out_img, w_scale, h_scale else: return out_img
[docs] def imresize_like(img, target, interpolation='bilinear', return_scale=False): """ Resize an image to the same size of a given image. Args: img (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The input image. target (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The target image. interpolation (str | int, optional): Interpolation method. Currently supported methods include ``nearest``, ``bilinear``, ``bicubic``, ``area``, and ``lanczos``. Default: ``bilinear``. return_scale (bool, optional): Whether to return ``w_scale`` and ``h_scale``. Default: ``False``. Returns: :obj:`np.ndarray` | tuple: The resized image (and scales). """ return imresize( img, target.shape[:2], interpolation=interpolation, return_scale=return_scale)
[docs] def rescale_size(size, scale, return_scale=False): """ Compute the new size to be rescaled to. Args: size (tuple[int]): The original size in the form of ``(width, height)``. scale (int | tuple[int]): The scaling factor or the maximum size. If it is a number, the image will be rescaled by this factor. When it is a tuple containing 2 numbers, the image will be rescaled as large as possible within the scale. In this case, ``-1`` means infinity. return_scale (bool, optional): Whether to return the scaling factor. Default: ``False``. Returns: :obj:`np.ndarray` | tuple: The new size (and scaling factor). """ w, h = size if isinstance(scale, (float, int)): scale_factor = scale elif isinstance(scale, tuple): if -1 in scale: max_s_edge = max(scale) scale_factor = max_s_edge / min(h, w) else: max_l_edge = max(scale) max_s_edge = min(scale) scale_factor = min(max_l_edge / max(h, w), max_s_edge / min(h, w)) else: raise TypeError( "'scale must be a number or tuple of int, but got '{}'".format( type(scale))) new_size = int(w * scale_factor + 0.5), int(h * scale_factor + 0.5) if return_scale: return new_size, scale_factor else: return new_size
[docs] def imrescale(img, scale, interpolation='bilinear', return_scale=False): """ Resize an image while keeping the aspect ratio. Args: img (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The input image. scale (int | tuple[int]): The scaling factor or the maximum size. If it is a number, the image will be rescaled by this factor. When it is a tuple containing 2 numbers, the image will be rescaled as large as possible within the scale. In this case, ``-1`` means infinity. interpolation (str | int, optional): Interpolation method. Currently supported methods include ``nearest``, ``bilinear``, ``bicubic``, ``area``, and ``lanczos``. Default: ``bilinear``. return_scale (bool, optional): Whether to return the scaling factor. Default: ``False``. Returns: :obj:`np.ndarray` | tuple: The resized image (and scaling factor). """ h, w = img.shape[:2] size, scale_factor = rescale_size((w, h), scale, return_scale=True) out_img = imresize(img, size, interpolation=interpolation) if return_scale: return out_img, scale_factor else: return out_img