Source code for

# Copyright (c) Ye Liu. Licensed under the MIT License.

import inspect
from functools import wraps

import h5py
import jsonlines

import nncore
from .handlers import (HDF5Handler, JSONHandler, JSONLHandler, NumPyHandler,
                       NumPyzHandler, PickleHandler, TXTHandler, XMLHandler,

    'json': JSONHandler(),
    'jsonl': JSONLHandler(),
    'yaml': YAMLHandler(),
    'yml': YAMLHandler(),
    'pickle': PickleHandler(),
    'pkl': PickleHandler(),
    'hdf5': HDF5Handler(),
    'h5': HDF5Handler(),
    'npy': NumPyHandler(),
    'npz': NumPyzHandler(),
    'xml': XMLHandler(),
    'txt': TXTHandler()

_open = open

def _get_handler(format):
    if format not in _FILE_HANDLERS:
        raise TypeError("unsupported format: '{}'".format(format))
    return _FILE_HANDLERS[format]

[docs] def load(name_or_file, format=None, **kwargs): """ Load data from files. Args: name_or_file (list | str | file object): Paths to the files or file objects. format (str, optional): Format of the file. If not specified, the file format will be inferred from the file extension. Currently supported formats include ``json/jsonl``, ``yaml/yml``, ``pickle/pkl``, ``hdf5/h5``, ``npy/npz``, ``xml``, and ``txt``. Default: ``None``. Returns: any: The loaded data. """ if isinstance(name_or_file, (list, tuple)): return [load(n, format=format, **kwargs) for n in name_or_file] format = format or nncore.pure_ext(name_or_file) handler = _get_handler(format) if isinstance(name_or_file, str): return handler.load_from_path(name_or_file, **kwargs) elif hasattr(name_or_file, 'close'): return handler.load_from_file(name_or_file, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError( "name_or_file must be a str or a file object, but got '{}'".format( type(name_or_file)))
[docs] def dump(obj, name_or_file, format=None, overwrite=True, **kwargs): """ Dump data to a file. Args: obj (any): The object to be dumped. name_or_file (str | file object): Path to the file or a file object. format (str, optional): Format of the file. If not specified, the file format will be inferred from the file extension. Currently supported formats include ``json/jsonl``, ``yaml/yml``, ``pickle/pkl``, ``hdf5/h5``, ``npy/npz``, ``xml``, and ``txt``. Default: ``None``. overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite it if the file exists. Default: ``True``. """ format = format or nncore.pure_ext(name_or_file) handler = _get_handler(format) if isinstance(name_or_file, str): if nncore.is_file(name_or_file): if overwrite: nncore.remove(name_or_file) else: raise FileExistsError("file '{}' exists".format(name_or_file)) nncore.mkdir(nncore.dir_name(nncore.abs_path(name_or_file))) handler.dump_to_path(obj, name_or_file, **kwargs) elif hasattr(name_or_file, 'close'): handler.dump_to_file(obj, name_or_file, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError( "name_or_file must be a str or a file object, but got '{}'".format( type(name_or_file)))
[docs] def loads(string, format='pickle', **kwargs): """ Load data from strings. Args: string (list | str | btyearray): Strings of the data. format (str, optional): Format of the string. Currently supported formats include ``json/jsonl``, ``yaml/yml``, ``pickle/pkl`` and ``xml``. Default: ``'pickle'``. Returns: any: The loaded data. """ if isinstance(string, (list, tuple)): return [loads(s, format=format, **kwargs) for s in string] handler = _get_handler(format) return handler.load_from_str(string, **kwargs)
[docs] def dumps(obj, format='pickle', **kwargs): """ Dump data to a string. Args: obj (any): The object to be dumped. format (str, optional): Format of the string. Currently supported formats include ``json/jsonl``, ``yaml/yml``, ``pickle/pkl`` and ``xml``. Default: ``'pickle'``. Returns: str: The dumped string. """ handler = _get_handler(format) return handler.dump_to_str(obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_from_file(filename, encoding='utf-8', offset=0, separator=',', max_length=-1): """ Load a text file and parse the content as a list of tuples or str. Args: filename (str): Path to the file to be loaded. encoding (str, optional): The encoding of the file. offset (int, optional): The offset of line numbers. Default: ``0``. separator (str | None, optional): The separator to use for parsing tuples. If not specified, each line would be treated as a str. Default: ``','``. max_length (int, optional): The maximum number of lines to be loaded. ``-1`` means all the lines from the file will be loaded. Default: ``-1``. Returns: list[str]: The loaded str list. """ out_list, count = [], 0 with _open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: for _ in range(offset): f.readline() for line in f: if max_length >= 0 and count >= max_length: break line = line.rstrip('\n') if separator is not None: line = tuple(line.split(separator)) out_list.append(line) count += 1 return out_list
[docs] def open(file=None, mode='r', format=None, as_decorator=None, **kwargs): """ Open a file and return a file object. This method can be used as a function or a decorator. When used as a decorator, the function to be decorated should receive the handler using an argument named ``f``. File and mode can be overrided during calls using the arguments ``file`` and ``mode``. Argument ``file`` and ``format`` should not be ``None`` at the same time. Args: file (str | None, optional): Path to the file to be loaded. mode (str, optional): The loading mode to use. Default: ``'r'``. format (str, optional): Format of the file. If not specified, the file format will be inferred from the file extension. Currently supported formats include ``jsonl`` and ``hdf5/h5``. Default: ``None``. as_decorator (bool | None, optional): Whether this method is used as a decorator. Please explicitly assign a bool value to this argument when using this method in a Python Shell. If not specified, the method will try to determine it automatically. Returns: file object: The opened file object. """ assert file is not None or format is not None format = format or nncore.pure_ext(file) if format in ('hdf5', 'h5'): handler = h5py.File elif format == 'jsonl': handler = else: handler = _open if as_decorator is None: context = inspect.stack()[1] as_decorator = context is not None and '@' in context[4][0] if not as_decorator: nncore.mkdir(nncore.dir_name(nncore.abs_path(file))) return handler(file, mode, **kwargs) def _decorator(func): vars = func.__code__.co_varnames if 'file' in vars or 'mode' in vars: raise AttributeError( "decorated function should not have 'file' or 'mode' arguments" ) @wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, file=file, mode=mode, **_kwargs): nncore.mkdir(nncore.dir_name(nncore.abs_path(file))) with handler(file, mode, **kwargs) as f: func(*args, **_kwargs, f=f) return _wrapper return _decorator