Source code for nncore.nn.losses.bce

# Copyright (c) Ye Liu. Licensed under the MIT License.

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

import nncore
from ..builder import LOSSES

[docs] @LOSSES.register() @nncore.bind_getter('reduction', 'pos_weight', 'loss_weight') class DynamicBCELoss(nn.Module): """ Dynamic Binary Cross Entropy Loss that supports dynamic loss weights during training. Args: reduction (str, optional): Reduction method. Currently supported values include ``'mean'``, ``'sum'``, and ``'none'``. Default: ``'mean'``. pos_weight (float | None, optional): Weight of the positive examples. Default: ``None``. loss_weight (float, optional): Weight of the loss. Default: ``1.0``. """ def __init__(self, reduction='mean', pos_weight=None, loss_weight=1.0): super(DynamicBCELoss, self).__init__() assert reduction in ('mean', 'sum', 'none') self._reduction = reduction self._pos_weight = pos_weight self._loss_weight = loss_weight def extra_repr(self): return "reduction='{}', pos_weight={}, loss_weight={}".format( self._reduction, self._pos_weight, self._loss_weight) def forward(self, pred, target, weight=None): if self._pos_weight is not None: pos_weight = pred.new_tensor([self._pos_weight] * pred.size(1)) else: pos_weight = None loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( pred, target, weight=weight, reduction=self._reduction, pos_weight=pos_weight) return loss * self._loss_weight