Source code for nncore.parallel.container

# Copyright (c) Ye Liu. Licensed under the MIT License.

import torch

import nncore

[docs] @nncore.bind_getter('stack', 'pad_value', 'pad_dims', 'cpu_only') @nncore.bind_method('_data', ['size', 'dim']) class DataContainer(object): """ A wrapper for data to make it easily be padded and be scattered to different GPUs. Args: data (any): The object to be wrapped. stack (bool, optional): Whether to stack the data during scattering. This argument is valid only when the data is a :obj:`torch.Tensor`. Default: ``True``. pad_value (int, optional): The padding value. Default: ``0``. pad_dims (int, optional): Number of dimensions to be padded. Expected values include ``None``, ``-1``, ``1``, ``2``, and ``3``. Default: ``-1``. cpu_only (bool, optional): Whether to keep the data on CPU only Default: ``False``. """ def __init__(self, data, stack=True, pad_value=0, pad_dims=-1, cpu_only=False): assert pad_dims in (None, -1, 1, 2, 3) if cpu_only: stack = False pad_dims = None self._data = data self._stack = stack self._pad_value = pad_value self._pad_dims = pad_dims if pad_dims != -1 else data.dim() self._cpu_only = cpu_only def __repr__(self): return ('{}(data={}, stack={}, pad_value={}, pad_dims={}, cpu_only={})' .format(self.__class__.__name__, self._data, self._stack, self._pad_value, self._pad_dims, self._cpu_only)) @property def data(self): return self._data @property def dtype(self): if torch.is_tensor(self._data): return self._data.type() else: return type(self._data)